
Monday, June 29, 2015

Taking Nuts to a Whole New Level with Sriracha Blue Diamond Almonds

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Blue Diamond Almonds.

When I think of a quick snack that is designed for on-the-go, is packed with protein yet low in bad fat, sugar and cholesterol, I think of nuts! I am a fan of all kinds of nuts. I have to give credit to Blue Diamond, however, and their truly unique line of flavored almonds. I recently was sent 2 six ounce containers of the Sriracha Blue Diamond Almonds, and I am in a desperate search to find them so I can have more! These are the perfect snack for Summertime, barbecues, or anytime really!

I was super excited to try these because I love all things spicy (but not burn your tongue and tastebuds off, spicy). I have to say that these were an immediate hit in our house....with EVERYONE! Even my 3 year old who abhors "picy" things, was forcing herself to eat these and liking it! We went through them rather quickly because we all could not get over their addictive taste. They have the perfect amount of heat, yet they're smooth at the same time. I kept thinking about how good these would taste dipped in a creamy ranch dressing, as odd as that sounds. I often found myself grabbing a small handful here and there throughout the day. 

While these are bursting with bold flavor, they also contain the wonderful health benefits of almonds. They are a great source of protein, with a whopping 6 grams. Surely this is what helps them keep you feeling full between meals. Plus, each serving size is 28 nuts, so there is no lacking there! Sriracha Blue Diamond Almonds are low in sugar (only 2 grams), low in Sodium (120 miligrams), low in Potassium (180 miligrams) and have NO cholesterol. While they do contain 1 gram of saturated fat, the majority of their fat content comes from the healthier Polyunsaturated and Monounsaturated fats. Overall, they are a superb snack, easy to take on the go as they don't require refrigeration, and I have zero guilt eating them myself, or allowing any of my family members to enjoy them. It's perfect harmony when you can find a snack that is as indulgent as it is healthy. Now, if I could just find these in a store near me.....

Clearly, I am head over heels for the Sriracha Blue Diamond Almonds and give them 10 stars:

You can scour all of the delicious flavors that Blue Diamond offers on their website, and keep up with them on FacebookTwitter, Instagram, Pinterest and You Tube.

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